University Business School of Punjab University Regional Centre Ludhiana organising national seminar in collaboration with ICSSR on “Artificial Intelligence for Global Good: Social, Economic & Business Transformation.” This seminar will be held on 21st March 2025.
Academician and research scholars can submit absyract of research papers 31st January and full research paper by 28th February 2025.
Sub Themes
1) Artificial Intelligence and the Society
a) AI and Social Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
b) AI and Social Health & Well-Being
c) AI and Social Innovation
d) AI and Social Media Outreach
e) AI and Social Engagement
f) AI and Social Companionship
g) AI and Social Welfare
h) AI and Social Justice
2) Artificial Intelligence: Economy and Business
a) AI and Productivity Gains
b) AI and Supply Chain Management
c) AI and Inventory Management
d) AI and Financial Management
e) AI and Customer Relationship Management
f) AI and Human Resource Management
g) AI and Sustainability & Climate Change
h) AI and Business Operations
i) AI and Ethics
j) AI and Disaster Management
Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation and Submission
Abstract Submission
– Abstracts (not exceeding 300 words, 12-point font size, Times New Roman font, single line spacing) should be submitted to the Seminar chair.
– The expert committee will screen the abstracts, and approved participants will be invited to submit full-length articles.
Full Paper Submission
– Length: Not more than 5000 words
– First page: Title, author(s) name, organization affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address
– Author information: Do not include author(s) name, affiliation, or other information inside the manuscript
– Reference style: Only APA 7th edition permitted
Submit Research Paper Here
Full-length articles relevant to the Seminar theme and sub-themes should be submitted online via email to:
– The paper should be the original work of the author(s) and have not been presented or submitted for publicationelsewhere.